
Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Museum trip

Museum trip

 On Monday  me and my entire hub went to the Christchurch Museum. to look at the history of Maori legends. In the morning we all got on a bus and drove to the museum. When we got there we went to sit in the entrance of the museum to go over the safety rules. Then we got split into groups. Me and my group went into this room were they taught us how the Maori people used to build in the olden days. They showed us a drill that was made out of only wood, rocks and string. They also showed us the old way to light a fire with wood. They did more but if I say everything my blog will be too long. After we finished in the building room they took us to the gallery to tell us Maori legends and go over all the cool pictures in the gallery. Then we ate lunch and played in the big tree the whole hub was climbing in the tree at one point. After lunch we all went back into the museum to have our own big look around the museum. We got to go into the paua house and watched the five minute movie it was so cool also in the paua house there was a little lounge to look in. After we got to have our own look around the museum we got on the bus and went back to school.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019


Problem solving !!!

For problem solving in term 2 I made a problem solving slide for my readers
to enjoy. So please enjoy.
And dont forget to comment !!!

Friday, September 6, 2019


Dishwashers !!!

Hi my name is Caoimhe and I would like to show you a slide that me
Alice and Zoe N made for our PBL.


what kind of dishwasher do you have at home?

Thursday, September 5, 2019


PBL TERM 2 !!!

Hello everybody my name is Caoimhe and today I am going to be showing you
my PBL working for term 2.
What can you do to save the environment ?                                                                                   


Spelling !!!

Hi readers my name is Caoimhe and today I would like to share with you my
spelling slide. I hope you enjoy. Also PLEASE COMMENT!!!

Wednesday, September 4, 2019



Hi i'm Caoimhe and today I am going to show you a slide show about Pandas
that I did with Ariella. 


     My Maths Boards !!!

Hi my name is Caoimhe and today I am going to show you My Maths Boards. I really hope you enjoy reading my maths boards. 

Explanation text 3

Why do octopuses have blue blood ?

Octopuses have Because without in they cannot survive in
the deep blue ocean. The octopuses have evolved a copper
rather than iron based blood called hemocyanin. Witch in
this case turns the colour of the blood into blue blood.
The copper based blood is much more efficient at
transporting Oxygen. Hemoglobin isn't as efficient as
Hemoglobin. Hemoglobin does not cope as well as
Hemoglobin does in very low water pressure when not a lot
of oxygen is around. 

Explanation text 2

  Why do bees sting ?

When a bee stings you, it's incredibly sharp stinger pierces your skin. The singer injects a venom called apitoxin into your skin. Most of the time the stinger gets stuck in your skin and comes of the bee. Worker honey bees die because they have a barbed stinger that remains behind with the venom sac.  Most bees and wasps do not have a barbed stinger and so they don’t die after stinging. Most bees sting because they are trying to protect their hives. Also they sting because they are trying to protect their pollen sources and their food. Wasps and hornets they just sting for fun they don’t care. They are not bees. 

Explanation text 1

  Why do cats wag their tails ?

Cats and Kittens usually wag their tails when they are annoyed or angry. Your cat may flick or wag their tail if it wants you to stop petting him or her. It  might of been in the process of hunting. Cats normally flick their tails back and forth when they are in hunting mode. 

Also when your cat is rapidly banging or thrashing their tails around or back and forth it signals that they are pretty unhappy and you should leave them alone. Cats may also swish their tails when they are excited. When your cat is feeling playful it wags his or her tail smoothly and softly. When your cat's tail is standing straight up it means a signals a sense of happiness and its willingness to be friendly. A little twitch in the tail can mean a particularly happy moment for him or her. 

Technology !!!

Technology !!!

Digital technology has made people's lives more efficient and it lets their days run smoothly.  I think technology has greatly affected the way kids learn. Some people enjoy the new changes in technology, but some others disagree.

Shopping online has made people's lives easier and more fun. For example, they don't have to drive into the mall or shops and use up all their gas which by the way is ruining the environment. Also here's a tip, instead of using your car you should walk, bike, run or even scooter. Online shopping has made people's lives easier because if you are retired and you don't have a car or if your car is in the shop getting fixed. You can just go shopping online and it will be delivered to your door.

Communication has evolved so much over the past decade, like there's Skype now, a great way to talk with friends, family or even distant relatives that live on the other side of the world. Their is also facetime which is pretty much the same. You can also call people or text them to make it quicker. When you call someone it makes life easier because you dont have to travel a long way to talk to them. Like you did in the olden days.

Transport has evolved a lot in the past couple of years. Now we have electric cars, lime scooters, electric scooters and the new thing the flamingo scooters. You should use a bike because it is an easy way to get around and it is very good exercise. A lime scooter is a very efficient way to get around but you have to be sensible or you could get severely hurt. Transport has become much more efficient since the carriages run by horses. 

how has technology changed your life ?
do you have any ideas on how technology will change and the future ?